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About Us : 87th Infantry Division Legacy Association

Details about us and the site.

Membership Join Us!

Join Us!

Your membership and involvement in the Legacy Association is invited. Membership includes a subscription to our newsletter, the Golden Acorn News Legacy Edition. Download a sample here.

Each issue is packed with interesting stories, photos, and historical information, as well as news about our members. Membership costs are as follows:

$10/year for regular members*

$5/year for veterans and acornettes*

* These amounts provide you with electronic copies of the Golden Acorn News, which are sent to you via email, and are also available from the members area of our web site. If you’d like to receive hardcopy editions of the newsletter in the mail, there is an additional $15/year charge.

Join By Mail

Download the membership application. Use this option to print the membership form. Complete the form, then mail it to us with your check.

Join Online - Electronic GAN

If you’d like to receive the Golden Acorn News electronically via email, join or renew your membership using this option.

You may join or renew your membership in the association here. This membership option will provide you with our newsletter, The Golden Acorn New Legacy Edition, electronically via email.

Credit cards are accepted.

A PayPal account is not required.


Select the appropriate membership type.

If you’re a veteran of the 87th, enter your name and be sure to include your unit affiliation.

If you have a family member who served in the 87th, include their name, relationship, and unit, if known.

Click the “Submit Payment” button, then complete the payment information.

Membership Type
Veteran's name & relationship
87th Unit Affiliation

Join Online - Hardcopy GAN

If you’d like to receive a hardcopy of the Golden Acorn News delivered by the U.S. Postal Service, join or renew your membership using this option.

Membership Type
Veteran's name & relationship
87th Unit Affiliation

01/13/20/ Webguy/ Membership/